CTLGFVER )$VER: ProPoint.catalog 01.9 (05.03.1997) english ProPoint Version 2.9 Puffer _Download No actual Puffer available! Puffer _Upload Order special Area_lists Binaer-_Request Misc _Functions Send misc _Maps-Messages Download a _Copy of a Puffer Copy _marked Files in Puffer No Files marked! _Quit ProPoint Which AreaList do you want? !Ordered|Unordered|Complete|Cancel >>> Sorter active <<< >>> Sorter inactive <<< >>> Prepack active <<< >>> Prepack inactive <<< Which kind? -Mark Files|Direct to PointPuffer|Help|Cancel BinaerRequest #BinaerRequest direct in PointPuffer )Binaer-Request.... how does it work??? #- You must watch following steps: - Order FileList from Maps!! 2- Work on List, that only includes Filenames and % AreaNames which you want to get. - Send that List to ProPoint! !- and than wait for the files... -Do you like makr all Files for Batchdownload? Mark|Cancel Line : Area : FileName : Downloadfree : Status : Working on List: File not found! %Not copied! Not enough downloadspace! Brett: " File(s) for BatchDownload marked! These are total Bytes... Couldn't open RequestList! #Please send the RequestListe now... Select RequestList Your Puffer has a size of KBytes and is Download|Pack|Delete|Cancel Delete Puffer? Yes|No Puffer deleted Making Puffer available again! "There is no Pointpuffer available! !Following Commands are supported: %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLEARPM !-> Deletes all Entries in your PM HELP )-> Sends a HelpText for the Maps-Commands HOLD --> The NetMails won't sorted in. Except PM's! . (Parameter: ON / OFF) LIST xxxxx -> Creates Lists of i.e. Users, 3 Areas, ordered Areas, etc. Clear PM|Help|Hold|List|Cancel Hold On|Hold Off|Cancel Which kind of List do you want? 1Users|Areas|My Areas|Other Areas|Systems|All|Back Which status of Hold? Wrong number of Arguments! !PrometheusServer is not running! Not enough Memory! %Couldn't open PMBSOnline.Library V4+ !This Program supports only Ansi! ^1^MC|MC| 5^4^OUAC|OUAC| & --- No actual Puffer available --- Upload Puffer Order special AreaList Practice Binaer-Request --- No Function --- Misc Functions Download a Copy of a Puffer Copy marked Files in Puffer --- No Files marked --- -- No Function -- About Quit ProPoint Sorter active Sorter inactive Prepack active Prepack inactive :^5^CEHLB|CEHLB| %^3^HO|HO| %Which kind of List should be created? ]^7^UAMOSCZ|UAMOSCZ| Order Area: ~~~~~~~~~~~ Unorder Area: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )Copy ContentsList to PointPuffer of Area: )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5^4^DPEC|DPEC| Delete Puffer? ^2^DN|DN| Deleteing Puffer! Puffer deleted! Making Puffer again available! unpacked !One Moment please, I'm packing... Puffer is already packed! Puffer is deleted! Select Puffer Please load the Puffer up... Copying Puffer... Starting Sorter... No File found! Couldn't find Directory! !Couldn't create UploadDirectory! unpacked packed Which Puffercopy do you want: Sending Puffer... Wrong choice... Cancel... Available Copies ( Puffer: Date: Size: Bytes -- No Copy available -- Total: % KBytes / DownloadSpace: FreeDownload KBytes / DownloadSpace: ca. KByte .^3^FCB|FCB| )Are you sure to forget all marked Files? *To copy all these File could take a while! *Do you want me, to copy them now or later? %^2^NLC|NLC| Forget all Files after Copying? !///// Copy marked Files in Puffer File ' &' not copied! Not enough Downloadspace Forget all Files? Starting Prepack !You are no Point in this BBS yet. Would you like to be one? -I need some information for this application. *Please remember, that you need a Pointname +which may not longer than 8 characters and 'should be different with your Username! Enter your Pointname : Your Computer? >^5^EPMAO|EPMAO| Amiga|PC XT/AT|Mac|Atari|Other APlease enter a Password (at least 6 chars!) for the PointAccess [ Password: For verifying again: +You entered two times a different password! -Do you want your Puffer packed or unpacked? ^1^PU|PU| Packed|Unpacked Prepacked Not prepacked! 2With which packer do you want your puffers packed? Don't pack! All right! ;The Sysop will get this application and as soon as possible >work on it! Please look at your PM in the next days. There you 6will find a reply with your Pointname and your Domain. No need... 5Do you want to mark all Files for the Batchdownload? ^1^MC|MC| Space : Status : Working : KBytes Brett: Couldn't open Requestlist! !Please load the Requestlist up... Select RequestList 'You can get this Program for 2o,-DM at: NetName of the Box & Domain: Registered to: Nobody Keyfile created: BoxSerialNumber: KeySerialNumber: /This Program is Shareware and for 2o,-DM to get !For AccessAddress see Guide.File +Unregistered Version! Because the Requester -will open at every start. Enjoy yourself with ProPoint Please press now the to continue! Destination for Puffer )ProPoint Tietke 1995-1997 Forget|Copy in Puffer|Help|Back Now|Later|Cancel Which NetFormat? !Copy ordered Files in the Puffer !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Copying ContentsList in PointPuffer of Area: -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follwing Puffer are available: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &Which Puffer do you want to load down? ?^3^PACDB|PACDB| --------------------------------------------- ! Total Puffer with private Mails Puffer with PublicMails There are total Which Puffers do you want? #Private|Area|Complete|Delete|Cancel )The Sorter btw. PrePack are still in use. Wait for ending! MThe Sorter bzw. Prepack are still in use. ADo you want to wait a little bit? Wait|Cancel ^2^JN|JN| ^1^JN|JN| 9Ask your Sysop directly to get a PointAccess in this BBS. No Puffer available! 'Shall I copy these Puffers to one File? On Files|More Files %Which Puffers do you want to delete? Private|Area|Complete|Cancel 3^4^PACB|PACB| Download Puffer Select a Copy: Copy marked Files to Puffer !--------------------------------- ! !!!! This is a BetaVersion !!!! !--------------------------------- Download with _Autologoff Download Puffer with Autologoff created with MakeCat 38.22